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Alliouagana Festival of the Word

Celebrating Words Written, Spoken, Sung and Performed

Friday November 13 to Sunday November 15, 2009

FRIDAY  November 13, 2009

6:00 pm


6:30 pm  

Grand Opening Ceremony

7:00 pm

Calypso Review
Storytelling Under the Moon: Stories from the Songs
Calypso Lime and Extravaganza


SATURDAY   November 14, 2009

6.00 am 

Opportunity for Hikes, Bird Watching; Island Tours; Volcano Viewing etc.

9.00 am 

Presentations and Readings
Book Signing and Sale

12 Noon

Open Mike Sessions:  You Can Take the Stage


1.00 pm

Literary Workshops (Memoir Writing; Creative Writing; Publishing)


3.00 pm

Opportunity for Tours etc
Boat Ride around the island

8.00 pm

Dramatic Performance

  SUNDAY        November 15, 2009

6.00 am

Opportunity for Hikes, Bird Watching; Island Tours, Volcano Viewing etc.

9.00 am

Presentations and Readings
Book Signing and Sale

12 Noon

Open Mike Sessions:  You Can Take the Stage

1.00 pm

Literary Workshops (Memoir Writing; Creative Writing; Publishing)

3.00 pm  

Opportunity for Tours etc

      • Visit to the Montserrat Volcano Observatory
      • Boat Ride around the island
      • Boat Ride to Redonda  “Kingdom” of M.P. Shiel

5.00 pm 

Celebrating E. Archie Markham and Other Authors from Montserrat

8.00 pm

Dramatic Performance

Cultural Centre Courtyard
Additional Attractions

(8 am to 10 pm):
Food Court;
Craft Market;
Book Stall;
Pampering Sessions
(Neck and Head Massage, Reflexology etc)


Alliouagana Festival of the Word
c/o The University of the West Indies
Open Campus Montserrat
P.O.Box 256
Salem, Montserrat

Tel: 664 491 3924 / 2344 office Fax: 664 491 8924 ;